Thursday, January 22, 2009

letter to the president

Dear President Barack Obama:

First things first. Congratulations on being elected as the 44th president of the U.S. I am very happy that you won and look forward to the next four years and hopefully more. I am hoping that you will improve and change many things in our country while you are in the oval office.

I am highly concerned about the war that has been going on in the middle east for over 7 years now. I’m not only concerned about the high casualties of our troops that have lost their lives, but I’m also concerned about the high cost of keeping them over there. America is in the worst economic state it has been in since the Great Depression. A war is not helping that fact. Billions of dollars are going toward war cost that our country cannot afford to give. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I’m not one of the war bashing people. I believe that there was a reason for this war, but I don’t think our troops have any further purpose in it. The U.S is losing a lot of money and gaining nothing in return. This war started as a war on terrorism. Is that still what it is though? I think our motivation has changed. Our troops should be dedicated on an important issue; like the genocide going on in Africa. That’s another issue.

My heart and mind will be at ease if you, our country’s leader, bring our soldiers home. Thank you very much for taking time to read my request. Congratulations again on being elected. I look forward to voting in the next presidential election. Hopefully I’ll be voting for you.

Thank you

Amber Currier